GeoJSON export in PostgreSQL without PostGIS
Here is a handy SQL query I used at work to export geographic point data as GeoJSON from a plain, "spatially-dumb" PostgreSQL database. By that, I mean without the awesome PostGIS extension which offers native GeoJSON support.
It makes use of high-level JSON functions that appeared in PostgreSQL 9.4, so this assumes you use at least this version.
SELECT json_build_object(
'type', 'FeatureCollection',
'features', json_agg(json_build_object(
'type', 'Feature',
'geometry', json_build_object(
'type', 'Point',
'coordinates', json_build_array(p.longitude, p.latitude),
-- assuming your coordinates are stored like that.
'properties', json_build_object(
'address', p.address
-- etc. Those are just examples of fields in the table.
FROM my_places p;
With this indenting and thanks to the simple function signatures (lists of alternating keys and values), you can see the final JSON shape directly in the query. The json_agg
function is an SQL aggregate (like avg
, min
, etc.) which reduces multiple values to a single JSON array.
Saved in a UTF-8 text file, the result is a valid GeoJSON FeatureCollection
of Point
features. It can be opened in QGIS,, and a multitude of other tools.