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Benjamin Becquet
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front web developer

Benjamin BECQUET


Since 2023Senior front engineerPASQAL

  • In a team of 20 people, I'm working on the cloud computing platform built on top of PASQAL's quantum infrastructure, for external or internal users to manage their tasks and resources. I'm also developing visual learning and programming tools for quantum computing.

Neutral atom quantum computing, Node.js, React, Vue.js, Storybook, Cypress.

2021 - 2023Senior front developerCARTO

  • Working in full-remote, I joined the front-end team as senior developer to work on CARTO's main platform, a cloud-enabled map editing and spatial analysis application.

Node.js, React + Redux, MUI, Jest, Cypress, Playwright, MapBox-GL/MapLibre-GL, deck.gl/kepler.gl, Google Maps.

2019 - 2021Lead front developerQwant Maps

  • I picked up the role of lead front developer on the Qwant Maps web application. I started initiatives to improve the project quality, scalability and ease of development (ex: migrating from barely structured Vanilla-JS to React, improving tests and deployments, transferring knowledge to the team).

Node.js, Webpack, React, Jest, Sass, PWA, Travis-CI, MapBox-GL.

2015 - 2019Senior front developerLa Ruche qui dit Oui !

  • Within a team of 15 developers, I worked on the main laruchequiditoui.fr platform and smaller apps for different parts of the complex company business. I lead team projects related to code cohesion, accessiblity and experience sharing. I was also responsible for the development of map-related tools, from web maps and to internal dataviz and print.

Node.js, Webpack, React + Redux, Jest, Sass, PWA, Jenkins, Leaflet/MapBox.

2009 - 2015Full stack web developerMediamobile

  • Development and maintenance of the V-Traffic.com web site.
    • International public portal, content and service aggregation on interactive maps.
    • Mobile version, adapted to UX and performance contraints on mobile device.
  • Static and dynamic cartography, mobile app prototyping, data viz web applications.

ASP.Net, LESS, Javascript + jQuery, Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Leaflet.

2006 - 2009R&D software engineerMediamobile

  • Development of a route planner taking road traffic into account.
    • Modeling and optimization of large road network graphs (european scale).
    • Development of query APIs, for internal and consumer usage.
    • Development of derived applications (alternative routes, isochrones, map-matching).

.NET/C#, C++, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.

2004 - 2006Java / SQL DeveloperVarious clients

Database and Java development for trading or consumer banking systems. Also testing automation, packaging and deployments.

J2EE, Python, Ingres/Oracle, Perl/Bash.


Since 2020Part-time teacherSorbonne Université

Lectures, practicals and tutorials in Web development courses.

2003 - 2004Part-time teacherINSA Rouen

Practicals and tutorials in computer architecture, algorithmics and database courses.


  • Programming languages: JavaScript/NodeJS, C#, Python, Java, C/C++. SQL & NoSQL systems.
  • Web development: HTML, CSS, ES6/7, React, Redux. Webpack and related tools. Mobile web development, responsive design, Progressive Web Apps. UX & accessibility skills.
  • GIS & maps: PostGIS/Oracle Spatial, QGIS, OpenStreetMap stack, web mapping (MapBox-GL/MapLibre-GL, Leaflet, Deck.gl, Google Maps, D3). Cartographic styling and semiology.
  • Tools & methods: Git, unit and functional testing, CI, peer review, rapid release cycles.
Languages: French (mother tongue), English, basic German notions.


2003 - 2004Master of science, EngineeringINSA Rouen

2000 - 2003Engineer's degree, I.S. architectINSA Rouen

1998 - 2000Undergrad tech degree in Software dev.IUT Le Havre

1998Scientific baccalauréat, spec. MathematicsRouen

Personal projects & activities