Hello, I'm Benjamin! I'm a web developer living in Paris. No matter the technology, I value resilience, accessibility and UX cohesion. I like to work with teams of diverse backgrounds and share my experience with junior developers. I'm also an occasional web development teacher at the university.
I have a long-running interest for web cartography, large parts of my career and personal projects revolve around this subject.
This is a text blog, with no single topic… nor single language, as some articles are in French. You can read where I am in life currently on my "Now" page, at least if I kept it updated!
Besides development and maps, I love all living things, long walks, Firefox's reader mode and thinking about the scale of the universe.
I'm also interested in any kind of arts & crafts. I draw, paint and practice many etching and printmaking techniques. These works are showcased on Patterns in the Ivy, my old time blog.
You can reach me on Mastodon or by mail at benjamin@bbecquet.net.